Working hard
I spent most of the last 3 weeks working long days at the office of a client in downtown Buenos Aires, but that's finally over. It was very stressful at times, but overall it was a good opportunity to practice my Spanish. The guys I worked with turned out to be cool.
New definition of "gross": Last night when I got home there was fresh vomit in front of my apartment building. No, that's not the gross part. This afternoon when I got home from a movie, there were a bunch of pigeons in front of my apartment, and they were feasting on the dried puke. Yuck.
Speaking of bad taste, the movie I saw was truly one of the worst I have ever seen. Any comedy that has to resort to a 70 year old man pulling down his pants in front of his daughter really needs help. There were a few funny moments, but the rest was really bad.
I saw the new Pirates of the Carribean movie over the weekend, and it was definitely worth seeing. I saw it in Spanish so I missed a some of the dialog, but still a fun movie.
New definition of "gross": Last night when I got home there was fresh vomit in front of my apartment building. No, that's not the gross part. This afternoon when I got home from a movie, there were a bunch of pigeons in front of my apartment, and they were feasting on the dried puke. Yuck.
Speaking of bad taste, the movie I saw was truly one of the worst I have ever seen. Any comedy that has to resort to a 70 year old man pulling down his pants in front of his daughter really needs help. There were a few funny moments, but the rest was really bad.
I saw the new Pirates of the Carribean movie over the weekend, and it was definitely worth seeing. I saw it in Spanish so I missed a some of the dialog, but still a fun movie.
Oh so you saw the version with yack esparrow and wheel torner... que lástima, yo quería preguntarte sobre unos acentos en la version inglesa...
Noelia Zaballa, at 10:02 AM
Hey!!! You finally wrote something!! You seem to be quite busy... or at least not bored enough to come here and tell us about you lol
Well... I'm still on holidays (so yes... bored enough to be writing this hahaha).
I hope to hear from you soon ;)
Anonymous, at 10:22 AM
Ya se te extrañaba, que interesante eso de la vomitada en el frente de tu casa... aunque bueno, hay especies de aves y otros animales que primero rejurgitan el alimento para después dárselos a sus hijos/crías.
(Segmento patrocinado por la fundación cultural Jix :p )
Hey I haven't seen that movie and looks like I won't :(( .. I'll have to wait for the DVD....
Salu2 green-guitou
P.D.: Hola Sak... checa tu mail
P.D. #2: Hola peque, no cheques tu mail :p
Anonymous, at 6:00 AM
Jix, solo tengo para decirte un par de cosas:
1) Las quesadillas, son un pobre intento de empanadas. No son malas, pero todavia les falta aprender mucho de cocina para acercarse a nuestra calidad culinaria.
2)La salsa del lomo encacahuatado (que lo ponen en este restaurante mexicano como algo mexicano...) tiene sabor a todo menos a cacahuate.
Si vinieras a Argentina, te mostraría lo que es el BUEN COMER. Podrias hacerte un viajecito no?
Noelia Zaballa, at 12:41 PM
Hola Sak
Preciosa, wtf??? no entendí a que venía lo del lomo encacahuatado, lo que si te puedo decir es que a veces los sabores se mezclan de tal forma que no domine uno en particular. De cualquier forma no puedes juzgar la milenaria, amplia y riquiiiiisima cocina mexicana solo porque: 1)el cocinero de aquel restaurante no cocina bien o 2)Tu paladar sea corriente.
Un dia de estos ten por seguro que te visitaré, a ver si es cierto que cocinas... o eres de las que se les quema el agua??
Btw: hi green-gou :p
Anonymous, at 5:21 AM
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