Funny subtitles
I was watching an interview with Will Smith today, and the subtitles were really badly translated. The person who wrote them obviously had no familiarity with American culture, nor did he understand Will Smith's accent very well. Some examples:
sign 'em, Dad = hijo muerto (son dead)
Tupac Shakur = dos paquetes (two packs)
while you was playing around = mientras usabas el avión (while you used the plane)
Now I know why I don't understand the jokes in foreign films with subtitles....
I've moved into my new apartment. It's not quite as nice as I'd hoped. I didn't actually see the apartment before I agreed to take it, which was really dumb. They showed me the apartment next door, which was supposedly identical except a little smaller, but that turns out not to be true. Live and learn. At least it's quite a bit cheaper than the other alternatives.
sign 'em, Dad = hijo muerto (son dead)
Tupac Shakur = dos paquetes (two packs)
while you was playing around = mientras usabas el avión (while you used the plane)
Now I know why I don't understand the jokes in foreign films with subtitles....
I've moved into my new apartment. It's not quite as nice as I'd hoped. I didn't actually see the apartment before I agreed to take it, which was really dumb. They showed me the apartment next door, which was supposedly identical except a little smaller, but that turns out not to be true. Live and learn. At least it's quite a bit cheaper than the other alternatives.
Hola green-go!!
Que te he estado diciendo todo este tiempo?? no tendrias esos problemas si vivieras en México, los subtitulos serian muy claros y los doblajes completamente entendibles jejeje (muérete Sak :p)
Green-go tell me the truth: Do U usually act like this in USA?? or is just that U always get what U expect there? I mean well... If I would buy a car at least I would start the engine to see if it works. Hey next time let me know if your new flat has cucarachitas... I miss them ... sigh
Anonymous, at 8:41 PM
dos paquetes!
OMG that's hilarious!!!!
Sorry about the apartment. Blugh.
Sarah, at 12:29 PM
Bueno Will Smith es dificil de entender, pero yo contrataría a alguien que entienda mas o algun native speaker... La television se volvió tan estúpida que ya no importa lo que sacan al aire, no se puede confiar en los subtitulos no more..
Noelia Zaballa, at 1:44 PM
se parece a mí interpretando.... no?...jajaja... pero a veces así es divertido...por lo menos para mí cuando hablamos...
Anonymous, at 8:28 PM
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