Adventure in Argentina

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

New couch

Today I bought a couch for my apartment, which doesn't have a true couch (it's more like a day bed, and it's not very comfortable to sit on). It cost about $120 plus $15 for delivery. It arrives next Thursday.

Today I say for the first time the double-decker train that people have told me about. The train cars two-storey and have air conditioning, which most of the trains don't have. I take the train to work everyday, so I'm sure I'll get a chance to ride in one of the new trains someday.

A few days ago I started reading the latest Harry Potter book in Spanish. At 600 pages, it will take me a few weeks to read. At this point I understand everything I read except for an occasional word. Now if I could just understand spoken Spanish that well....


  • Hola green-go!

    La práctica hace al maestro, asi que sigue charlando y en poco tiempo serás "fluent" :)

    Salu2 desde esta inundada ciudad de México.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:34 AM  

  • Harry rocks.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:45 AM  

  • Can you imagine anyone in the US delivering a couch for only $15?! Are you letting Todd sit on it?

    Jix, is 'practice makes perfect' coined in Mexico/Spanish? :-)

    I'm impressed Paul that you are understanding so much of what you read in Spanish...though I am less impressed with your choice of reading.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:39 AM  

  • Didn't mean to be anonymous...that was Karen

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:40 AM  

  • Hola

    Hey Karen anonymous how R U? hmm I don't know who coined who hehe... but yes it's more or less the translation of that saying :p

    Salu2 a to2

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:35 PM  

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