Get a job!
Three weeks ago today I left the US. It seems like much longer, but I guess that's because every experience is new. Things are going fine so far: I don't feel homesick, I'm more confident speaking Spanish and I'm starting to know my way around the city.
On Monday I begin an internship. I'll be working with a consultant who has his own company and supports the server infrastructure for serveral other small companies. It's a bit outside the city proper; I think it will take me about 45 minutes to get there from where I live now. That's not much time, actually, because there are places in the city that take much longer to reach. My plan is to work for him for about a month and then decide whether to continue or not. He's going to try to get me some opportunities to deal directly with clients for speaking practice.
For my Spanish conversation classes I've been reading some stories by well-known Argentina authors and then discussing them in class. It's been fun to get some ideas of Argentina literature, and plus it gives me something to talk about in class.
Friday is a holiday here, so I have a chance to spend the day as I please. Maybe I'll go to Tigre. It's a little ways outside the city itself, apparently in a rich area which several people have told me is worth seeing. I need to do some research to find out what to see there.
For the past day and a half subway hasn't run because of a strike. So far it hasn't affected me too much, but they say traffic is a lot worse and the lines for the bus are longer.
Today I went looking for an apartment, but I didn't have any luck. There aren't very many apartments available for rent in the neighborhood I was looking at. I did see one, but the huge dead roach in the kitchen convinced me to look elsewhere. (Of course I was assured that they were all gone now since the building had just been fumagated. I offered to sell him some mountain-top property in Florida in return.)
On Monday I begin an internship. I'll be working with a consultant who has his own company and supports the server infrastructure for serveral other small companies. It's a bit outside the city proper; I think it will take me about 45 minutes to get there from where I live now. That's not much time, actually, because there are places in the city that take much longer to reach. My plan is to work for him for about a month and then decide whether to continue or not. He's going to try to get me some opportunities to deal directly with clients for speaking practice.
For my Spanish conversation classes I've been reading some stories by well-known Argentina authors and then discussing them in class. It's been fun to get some ideas of Argentina literature, and plus it gives me something to talk about in class.
Friday is a holiday here, so I have a chance to spend the day as I please. Maybe I'll go to Tigre. It's a little ways outside the city itself, apparently in a rich area which several people have told me is worth seeing. I need to do some research to find out what to see there.
For the past day and a half subway hasn't run because of a strike. So far it hasn't affected me too much, but they say traffic is a lot worse and the lines for the bus are longer.
Today I went looking for an apartment, but I didn't have any luck. There aren't very many apartments available for rent in the neighborhood I was looking at. I did see one, but the huge dead roach in the kitchen convinced me to look elsewhere. (Of course I was assured that they were all gone now since the building had just been fumagated. I offered to sell him some mountain-top property in Florida in return.)
Hola green-go!!
Actually u're very lucky about those 45 minutes to your new job, time ago I sometimes had to travel even 2 hours to get my job... now I just travel 1 hour and this is the closest distance I ever had in my whole working life.
Hey green-go another episode with those cucarachitas?? u're like a magneto for them... or is it the fact that there's a lot of cucarachas in Argentina??? ...
Greetings from México, I wish U good luck in your new job :)
Anonymous, at 2:06 AM
Anonymous, at 10:49 AM
HEYYYY STOP TALKING ABOT CUCARACHITAS!!.. here in the extraordinary Argentina there is notttttt cucarachas ....well lawyers are everywhere in all countries and i am not saying that all the countries have cucarachas jajajjajaja god!!
Well jixote now you know that cucaracheishions are common here jajaja and aparently sendai is specialist to find them
Anonymous, at 2:32 PM
Hey Pablo!
You'll get an apartment. Better to have roaches you can see than fly to ones you know not of.
Sarah, at 7:45 PM
Congrats on the job.
Those roaches must like you.
Anonymous, at 11:08 PM
Hi again!!
I'm confused now Vulture... are U saying lawyers are like cockroaches?? I'm JUST asking...
Recipe for totopos:
En un platón grande de frijoles refritos (con su respectiva salsa picosita al lado) vierta una cantidad generosa de totopos, úsense estos a manera de cuchara y tómense los frijoles refritos. Disfrute de esta delicia agregando opcionalmente crema y queso en polvo (la salsa picante es vital para esta receta).
Salu2 desde México
Anonymous, at 5:25 AM
Si usted nota que su lenga desarrolla ciertas inflamaciones, que su higado esta generando un golpe hepático y su estómago y esòfago se revelan, consulte a su medico o, pasese a la sana e inigualable comida Argentina que no tiene igual. ¡Anímese! cambie frijoles refritos por Vacío al carbon! y notará la diferencia.
Algunas personas que cambiaron:
Pancho Villa, 50 años, Mexico
Pus hijole mano, yo que le daba a los frijolitos esos tan ricos en mi cantòn todo el dia, y ahora pos ni hablar, me quedo con la comida de los che's
Thalia, 38 años, Mexico
Pos claro, yo soy puro amor a la mexicana pero comida a la argentina!
Cantinflas, 40 años, Mexico
Ya, ya ya, que no se hable mas güey!
Pos que no tiene comparacion mano! Como me vas a comparar un asadito al carbon pos con semejante plato de totopos refritos!
Llame ya! La oficina de turismo de Argentina lo esta esperando!
Anonymous, at 11:54 AM
¡A la pipeta!
Che Sak, recomiendo que vos busqués una fuente de información actualizada de slang mexicano porque parecés mi abuela hablando con tanto "pos" y "mano"... asi que por el momento andá a cantarle a Gardel...
Anonymous, at 12:23 AM
Jix, mi slang viene de buena fuente, peliculas de los años 50 de mexico, y me gustan mucho asi que me quedo con ese vocabulario!
I finally tried some totopos el otro dia.... Well, whats the difference with Nachos?
Not bad, I have to admit it, but I still prefer some sabritas instead.
He dicho.
Anonymous, at 1:25 AM
That's cool you're doing an internship in BA. I miss Argentina... but I've heard about all the strikes going on and how costs for food are ridiculous and some food almost obscure! Hope you have a wonderful experience otherwise...Argentina is amazing!
satomblablabla, at 7:39 PM
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