Adventure in Argentina

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Another movie

Yesteday I went to see another movie with my friend Noelia. It was called Derecho de Familia (Family Law is how you'd translate it, I guess). This one had an all-Argentine cast, and I think I only understood about a third of the dialog. So basically, I understood the basic plot but missed all the subtleties and the jokes. If nothing else, this gives me a point of comparison for a couple months from now when I should have improved a lot.

I had my clothes washed today for about US$2.25 for one load. That's cheap enough that it's probably not worth the hassle of washing them myself at a laundromat. Any of you that are thinking of coming in July, remember that you can have your clothes washed here for pretty cheap. And they even fold them for you!

Today in my Spanish class the teacher, who has a real passion for literature, recommended to me a comic book (of all things) called El Eternauta (The Ethernaut). It's science fiction, but on another level it's a social commentary. During the dictatorship here in the 1970s he was arrested and never seen again. His four daughters, their husbands and all of his grandchildren also disappeared. I'm planning to read it over the weekend, and then we'll discuss it on Monday in class.


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